Face Masks, Respirators & Shields

Face Masks, Respirators & Shields are an essential part of Infection Control, assisting in the prevention of airborne particle transmission. For daily use, Surgical or Procedure Masks provide lightweight and disposable protection from contaminants. For times when exposure to blood or other bodily fluids is possible, a face shield offers extended protection for healthcare workers. Combination masks and visors are also available for convenience. In environments where there is increased risk of exposure to biological particles such as mold, viruses or hazardous chemicals, an N95 Respirator provides enhanced protection and filtration for healthcare workers. Of course, to achieve the best level of protection, a proper fit of the respirator is required; Qualitative Fit Test Kits offer an easy way to test fit and ensure a proper shield. QuadMed offers a full selection of Face Masks, Respirators & Shields from top brands like 3M, Halyard Health or Moldex.