The Dose By Growth EMS Standard Pediatric Emergency Tape is designed specifically for paramedics and completely compatible with the color/weight zones of the Broselow Tape. Listing only EMS specific medications creates room to include those medications regularly used, yet omitted from other tapes. All medications are within the EMT-P scope of practice and consistent with the NASEMSO National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines v.11-14. Dose by Growth as pediatric tapes are the only commercially available tapes updated to include the 2012-2014 CDC NHANES data sets.

The Dose By Growth EMS Standard Pediatric Emergency Tape Features:

  • Compatible with the color/weight zones of the Broselow Tape
  • Lists only EMS-specific medications for quick reference
  • Follows NASEMSO National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines v.11-14
  • Visual Aids & Assessment Tools
  • Vital Sign Parameters
  • Narcotics
  • Pre-Calculated Weight-Based Dosages
  • Dose By Growth EMS Standard Pediatric Tape

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